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TRAINING (2.4.1)

Questa Commissione promuove l’interesse dei giovani nelle materie MINT (matematica, informatica, scienze naturali e tecnologia). Contribuisce a far fronte alla carenza di professionisti altamente qualificati in determinati settori.di più

Immagine: Zykwolf, stock.adobe.comdi più

Horizons: Whose economy?

Let’s not fan the flames

Given the potentially catastrophic consequences, is it right for finance to carry on in this way? Just like aviation, economics is a science capable of advancement. It must progress first and foremost towards societal relevance, just as it must seriously render the economic system less fragile. The walls between schools of thought must be torn down, and the repeatedly exposed dogmas placed at arm’s length, in particular ‘efficient markets’ and Homo oeconomicus, neither of which actually exist.

Whose economy?
