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12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2014, Fribourg

Drilling the Earth


Université de Fribourg
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg

The 12th edition of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting focused on the latest advances in research in geosciences. It was held 21st and 22nd November 2014 in Fribourg.

Logo SGM 2014 in Fribourg

The Department of Geosciences of the University of Fribourg and the Platform geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) cordially welcomed the 662 participants in the 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting held on 21st and 22nd November 2014 in Fribourg.

On Friday 21st, the theme of the 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting is "Drilling the Earth". Five keynote speakers presented the latest research on ice coring at high altitudes to sediment coring in the deep oceans. Topics included the insight gained from climate and ecosystem archives, the potential of unconventional georessources and the investigation of geohazards.

On Saturday 22nd, a series of 21 scientific symposia covered the diverse spectrum of current research in geoscience, encompassing the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the biosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere.

The SGM also provides the ideal environment to foster informal contacts and discussion among scientists, in particular during the Swiss Geoscience Party on Friday evening but also at the poster sessions in the main hall of the venue on Saturday. Time is reserved for two poster sessions, at which the authors will be present for active discussion and feedback.

The SGM 2014 Organizing Committee.


  • Geowissenschaften
  • Hydrosphäre
  • Klimaarchive
  • Kryosphäre
  • Lithosphäre


  • Dr Pierre Dèzes
    Plattform Geowissenschaften
    Haus der Akademien
    3001 Bern

  • Prof. Dr. Bernard Grobéty
    Universität Freiburg
    Earth sciences
    Chemin du Musée 6
    1700 Freiburg

Abstract submission
Deadline: 29.08.2014

On-site registrations will be charged with an additional fee of CHF 20.- !: 31.10.2014

Registration Fees
Students/PhD Students: CHF 35.-
Delegate: CHF 55.-
Pay standard Delegate registration fee
Students/PhD with Geoparty: CHF 50.-
Delegate with GeoParty: CHF 75.-
Sprachen: Englisch